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5 Modules, stacking the parts of your garment until you have a full set of blocks!

Building Your Own Block Set

Now you can start all your designs with a perfect fit built right in!


Whether you're looking to design your own brand of clothing, become the "go-to" costume expert,
or revolutionize your own wardrobe,  
fit is essential for the right look.


Starting with a customized block guarantees a great fit from the beginning.


Before you begin designing those specialty styles, learn the ins-and-outs of a custom block.

~Discover your passion for fashion 

and create patterns that reflect your signature style

and your brand's silhouette!~


What's Inside Building Your Own Block Set

Five focused modules that contain bite-sized lessons. You learn how to draft your own block set, or use a perfectly balanced purchased block and adjust it to suit your needs.

Module 1: Getting Prepared

In this first module, you'll get  prepared to take measurments - whether that's on yourself or for a client. Download a comprehensive measurement sheet and learn what tools can be used to make this process easier. Then you'll learn whether drafting or purchasing is the best path for you.

Module 2: The Bodice Block

Learn the finer points of creating a fitted bodice block. Lessons are divided depending on whether you choose drafting your own or adjusting a purchased block. There are pros and cons to both methods. Then you'll finish this module by learning how to fit and adjust the block.

Module 3: Skirt and Pant Blocks

Here you'll build the skirt and pant block sets. As in Module 2, lessons are divided depending on whether you choose drafting or adjusting a purchased block. Use the fitting guide to determine what needs to be adjusted for a perfectly balanced skirt or trouser, with instructions for slacks.

Module 4: The Sleeve Block

In this module you'll complete the full garment by learning to make a sleeve block. You'll have a shaped sleeve and a straight sleeve. Once you have attached your sleeve to the bodice, you'll do a full fitting to determine what final adjustments might be needed.

Module 5: Dress and Torso Blocks

In this final module, you'll learn to build a dress or "torso" block by combining the bodice and the skirt. Once you have a perfectly fitted dress or torso block, you'll learn to make supplemental blocks like shirts, dartless blocks and sleeveless blocks.

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Virginia here!

You’re probably wondering who I am and what I know about making patterns.

Well, let’s get down to biz!  

I went to college for this stuff! I got a design degree which included six semesters of pattern making courses, so I have the inside skinny on the “textbook” methods.

I also spent decades in the fashion industry, working my way up through the ranks, from pattern maker to designer, to product developer, to Director of Product Development in "soft goods" – a fancy term for stuff made of fabric! You know - clothing, pillows, bedding, furniture parts…

But I’ve also been sewing since I was a kid! I spent most of my free time designing clothes for myself, as well as family and friends. My whole house is an ode to anything fabric! I am currently a practicing collage artist, designer and product development consultant! Hundreds of wedding gowns later, I am a pattern pro! I think I’ve redesigned most of my closet and half of my family’s.

After hearing “How did you DO that? I wish I could do that!” for decades, I decided it was time to step up!

And here we are!

I'm ready to teach you how to build a block set so you can design patterns yourself!